Thursday, March 24, 2016

Google Calendar

The balancing act of teacher schedules seems, at times, possible. Knowing who is where and when, though, is a vital part of doing our job well. This task is made easier - or, at least, more manageable - by Google Calendar. This tutorial, then, begins to show you the functionality of this online scheduling option. Should you have additional questions, please don't hesitate to ask one of the Technology Team. 

Best Chrome Apps & Extensions for Google Chrome for Classrooms

This past Monday at "Appy Hour," Cheryl Baxter presented "Speed Dating with Chrome Extensions!" This Apps/Extentsions  documents lists what you can use them for and then they are linked to the Chrome Web Store. Have fun exploring some new tech options to use with your students!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Symbaloo is a phenomenal website that allows you to organize multiple website links on one compact sized rectangle. You can embed the Symbaloo into your Canvas page as well!

This works great for research projects, organizing games, or Youtube videos you want your students to watch.

Registering for Symbaloo, Creating a Page,  

and Embedding into Canvas

Searching exisiting Symabloos

Work smarter, not harder!

Classroom Management - Tattling

We have a lot of students who LOVE to tattle. They feel the need to tattle constantly. In order to alleviate your lessons being interrupted and trying to keep track of all the information, try this.

On your classroom Canvas Page, have a link to a Google Form (Learn how to make a Google Form) with the following questions:

          1. Your name  (Write In or Selection of all the students in your class. Choose 1)
          2.  Who are you tattling on? (Write In or Selection of all the students in your class. Choose 1+)
          3. What did they do? (Write In or tailor to your students needs with Multiple Choice)
          4. What school rule did they break? (Multiple choice)

When they submit the form, a Google Sheet will be made for you documenting all the above information along with a time stamp. It helps with your paper trail and conferences.


Idea taken from:

How to Make a Google Form

The specific Google Form I made is in conjunction with the Classroom Management Blog Post. Google Forms can be used in many ways! I am using this in the sense of a survey, but they can also be used to make quizzes for your class and anything else your mind can come up with. 

Creating a Canvas Home Page with links to your other Courses in Canvas

As the IGNITE Model Classroom teachers and I have been working together, we figured out an "easier" way for your students to access all of their courses with the click of the mouse- instead of many!

Part 1: Finding and creating pictures for Canvas 


Uploading Images to Canvas

In this video, you will learn how to not only create your own subject images for your Canvas page, but also find beautiful, FREE images for it too! Then we will continue to add titles and upload them to your Canvas page. Doing the majority of work not will pay off with organization later on down the road. Have fun!

Photos found at:

When you are searching for images make sure to think outside the box. Go from broad to specific.
For example:
Search Science, then maybe search Chemistry or Biology, etc. until you find the image you like!

Part 2: Link pictures to the additional courses on Canvas

For this part, you will need to have multiple tabs open at once. The concept is simple. 
Click on each pictures individually. Then copy (CTRL + C) the URL (web address) of the page course (Ex: Reading). Return to Canvas, click on the chain link and paste (CTRL + V) the URL in the rectangle. Hit OK. Repeat until all images are linked.

If you need any help let me know!

Audio Recording & Uploading to Canvas

For some of you with students who work better when things are read to them, this is a great option! You can read the book, or chapters of the book and record yourself (Voice, not face). When you are done recording, you can upload it where ever you please in Canvas, for an assignment, discussion, or for a resource. This video will show you how to find a great Chrome Extension, record with it, save the content, then upload it to your Canvas. Have fun!